The 8th Trk Family Meet was held at Ostra, a tiny
village around 80 km from Jodhpur city from 21st October 2012 to 23rd
October 2012. The venue was selected at
a Jain temple site that is nestled in the lap of foothills.
Venue was selected near Jodhpur keeping in consideration
limitation of movement by Baiji and Ashok.
The meet programme was organized at the behest of Niranjan
Mohnot duly supported by Induji and Beenu.
Their uninstinted efforts made it
sure that everybody come and participate.
We were 36 members present at venue out of 47.
Her Leadership Mrs Vineeta Kumbhat had circulated minute
details of the each programme well in advance. She also talked to each and every member of
the family personally and encouraged them to participate.
On 21st October, programme was started with
homage to Baosa and honoring to meritorious students in the family. The medals were given away to Akshya,Payal and Chinki who triumphed in the
professional examinations. Charmi was also honoured with medal for scoring 100%
in 10th Board. Then we had
series of different events.
Presentation by kids:
Multilple topics were on agenda for presentation : My prospective
bridegroom; If I were a girl and My dreams.
Arpit came out with a beautiful theme, “If I were a girl” on audio video
presentation and judges obliged him with first prize. Dimple was cheered by crowd and she bagged 2nd
prize for her humorous presentation on “My prospective bridgegroom”.
Many games were played in the afternoon session on 21st
by Chandu bhabhiji, Induji and evening was meant for outdoor games and Arti and
Bhajans in temple. Late evening was followed
by Dandiya and competition of popular film songs. At 12 midnight we all retired for rest. However, some of us went to temple site on
hill where “Rati Joga” was in progress. Neeru
was privileged to sing alongwith local ragis with his bhajan..”ranucha ra
The 22nd was designed for the whole day
programme. A lively debate on contemporary topics like The
Merits and demerits of Face Book,
Watching cricket is a waste of time, Junk Food Vs Regular food, Organised day
routine Vs unregulated routine, Live in relationship Vs marriage, Bahu should
be treated as Bahu or daughter. Renu-Raju,
Niranjan and Arpit as a group were adjudged as best debators. This
was followed by another interesting game of Quiz by Beenu. Ashok/Chinkiand Prasan/Sumit bagged the prizes.
Mimicry organized by Beenu was participated wholeheartedly
by one and all. Chinki and Chinku done
wonderful job by copying habits of their father and mother respectively.
Numerous games were also played among them special Housie on
family nicknames by Ashaji and Chnki, the games of proverbs and cinema names by
The most important feature of this programme was that all
Bahus of family played very active role in all events. The mimicry by Shilpi was just excellent,
Priya also obliged the crowd. And
children enjoyed the most by playing in sand.
The joy of Rishu, Adi and Akshi was the star of attraction.
Neel Kamal and Chandu bhabhiji were in full traditional
costume in Dandia and ideally won the best dressed participants.
Sunitaji and Renu in Mind twister, Renu and Anju in Mobile
character, Kshitij and Renu in Card Game, Chinki, Shilpi, Kartik and Arpit in
Fancy Dress, Chinki and Anju in Song quiz, Kaku and Anju in letter filling made
their strong presence felt.
Our great musician and singer Kartik made our evenings very
soulful and melodious with his Synthesizer and sweet voice. His gazal “Chithi
na Sandesh……” made the crowd jittery.
Beenu and many audience could not stop their eyes being mist. Chinki
our own Lata Mangeshkar made the crowd emotional with her gazal ….”Aaj Jane ki
jid no karo….”. Ideally both were chosen
as the best singers.
As usual Raju and his whole family entertained the audience
with his trade mark group dance and copying Bhabhiji and Jain sab. Kshitij with his mummy and papa enchanted the
spectators with his prop dance. Our Anju
made the family immerse in the meditation with her early morning yoga session
and she herself lost in deep meditation when danced on Rajasthani songs. The parody of the singer presented by Beenu
Pradeep was also appreciated by the crowd.
It was really a very wonderful experience seeing all cousins
and kids enjoying together and sharing common platform for a better tomorrow.
The special thanks and appreciation was given to Induji for
taking all troubles for organizing events at Ostra.