Sunday, September 19, 2010


Responsibility Vs Attachment

After sad demise of her son a woman was mourning for days to gather and not allowing his body to be consigned to the flames. She had faith in God and was convinced that her son will be live again. Lord Budha happened to visit her village and she went to him and prayed for life of her son. Lord Budhha said, “yes he will bring life to the dead body if she can bring a glass of water from a family in whose house there was no death”. She came back empty handed but realized that life and death is the rotation of nature and this invariably happens.

Once my boss asked me to give him a pen in the hotel lobby. I immediately gave him a branded pen which I was having in my pocket. He said, “please give me a pen which kept in the folder of hotel room.” I changed the same immediately. He smiled and remarked, “let us not possess those things for which we become possessive”.

Now let us come to Jain religion which preaches us a theory of detachment of life from worldly things (away from “Moha and Maya”) so that one can remain happy and attain a state of “Moksha”.

I really do not know why I have narrated these incidents. But somewhere the meaning of all these incidents is to remain happy in whatever circumstances we are placed.

Now the moot question is, is it crime to remain happy? Is it necessary to remain in a state of shock? Is it necessary that you should abdicate all your hobbies, all your friends, all your company, all your preference, simply because you have a responsibility towards your family, your spouse, your children, your parents, your brother and so on. Why people time and again remind you your grieves so that you always remain traumatized. Why do people themselves do not want to forget their sorrows if somebody genuinely trying to keep you away from negative thoughts. Why do we always take the positively steps of our loved ones in the negative direction?

I really do not have any answer to these questions. The other day, a psychologist visited my office to give us a lecture on “Happiness”. Her answer was the best way to remain happy is do what you like, give time to yourself, peruse your hobbies, give some time to society. You will be fulfilled with your desire to get a state of self actualization. And ultimately you will be happy. But how to do that is again a question?

I have feeling you should be responsible, play your role, but act like a doctor. Being in a sad state and making other sad every time is not the answer.

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