Sunday, October 6, 2024

Toxic Work Culture:

 Toxic Work Culture:

A Silent Crisis That Affects Us All
(Story : Jodhpur Camp)

A recent blog by the renowned management Guru Shiv Shivakumar sparked deep reflection on a growing menace in today’s workplaces—toxic work culture.

The tragic death of Anna due to extreme work pressure, and her employer's shocking absence at her funeral, led to national outrage. Some might think this is just a statistic in a country of 1.4 billion. But every life matters. Anna’s life mattered.

Toxicity at work isn’t just about severe cases like Anna’s. It often creeps in through everyday behaviors, often linked to managers and leaders. In most cases, it is not the organization, but the approach of the “Boss” which is responsible for toxicity. Here’s how it shows up:

• The “Hero” Boss: Some managers aim to appear indispensable by setting impossible targets, then shifting the burden onto their juniors. Often such decisions are dangerous because they ignore law, business risks and company’s reputation.

• Insecurity Blocking Growth: Insecure leaders often block their team’s career development. One friend was denied the chance to give a lecture at a top business school because his boss couldn’t stand the idea of him outshining his own communication skills.

• Arrogant "Guardians": Some bosses adopt a self-proclaimed role as the “guardian” of the company, creating hostility with both their peers and juniors.

• Blurring Work-Life Boundaries: COVID blurred lines between personal and professional lives. Some bosses expected employees to conduct Zoom calls from tranquil, private spaces while they themselves shouted orders and used abusive language—right in front of family members.

• Might Is Always Right: Some bosses believe their word is the law, dismissing any better ideas from juniors. A worker managed to reduce cost by 10%, only to be publicly scolded by his boss for “overstepping.”

• Flattery Over Substance: In many family-run businesses, bosses still value flattery over skill. But today’s workforce is smarter—they value data and results inviting ire of the boss.

• Skipping the Chain of Command: One friend shared how his boss bypassed him to deal directly with third-level staff on key decisions as he didn’t agree on a terrible deal done by his boss. He was ostracized and humiliated when he pointed out the flaws to his boss.

• No Checks on Behavior: In the absence of regular audits, the toxic managers thrive, turning once-promising workplaces into toxic environments where anxiety, fear, and resentment grow.

Toxic work culture doesn’t just hurt individuals; it cripples entire organizations.

Let’s be part of a movement that prioritizes people over power. And all leadership must listen to this beautiful song of the movie “Three Idiot”….”Jane nahi denge tujhe”
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